Friday, September 24, 2010

It's a Numbers Game

5 - five is the number of times I had to bite my tongue today when a co-worker blew her nose at her work station. Go to the bathroom, please.

4 - four is the number of dirty instruments left soaking in enzymatic cleaner. I walked away. Too many Friday evenings spent cleaning other people's instruments, this was not my day and I will no longer be the one picking up that slack.

3 - three is the number of calls I took from a single patient today. This patient has used up her monthly allotment. Just sayin'.

2 - Two is the number of times I was able to actually pee today at work.

1 - This was one long day. Thank you God for making it a Friday.

1 comment:

Robin said...

We are learning our German through Rosetta Stone, expensive but good. But what we really enjoy is a little $10 cd set called Drive and Learn German. We are learning so much from it and the songs are goofy but really help me.

A new baby girl, how exciting!

Robin Sue