Monday, October 18, 2010

Christmas 1960

Christmas 1960.

Where do I start??

1) Seriously Mom, I need new jammies, someone apparently had a sudden growth spurt.

2) Brother is looking on, angelic. It's just an act.

3) I seem to be questioning something, like is that all? That's ALL Santa brought? There must be a mistake.

4) Note the tinsel. That stuff is probably illegal now, toxic maybe? Rusty liked to run past the tree, grabbing a mouthful as he flew by, as fast as his stubby little legs could carry him. Once he succeeded (failed?) on his mission as he brought the tree down.

5) Note that it is dark outside the picture window. It's either very early, or very late. Although we did open our gifts on Christmas Eve in later years, I certainly hope we were not doing it at that age. Talk about killing Santa, Mom & Dad.

6) Love the furniture. Love it. There are people today who would fight over it. The curved sectional was a chenille fabric, in a lovely 1950's salmon tone. The coffee table echoed that curve, rather like a boomerang. The carpet. The carpet! It was a sculpted loop carpet with a rose pattern. SO my mother. The end tables and lamps were around until this year.

7) It's wonderful, isn't it?

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