I snapped a few pics this spring/summer as I cleaned out my childhood home. I must say, my parents collected some interesting things, including refrigerator magnets. Little sombreros, aren't they too cute? Keeping the sombreros company included magazine articles about various health topics, newspaper articles about my sons and their service, random photos and other curious little magnets.
Upon closer inspection, I noticed that indeed these are not little sombreros, but little roulette wheels! Roulette wheels....but why should that surprise me?
After my mother's funeral, her long time friend Bert was reminiscing about their trips to Las Vegas. Keep in mind, these ladies were thrifty gals, given to save and sacrifice and not spend money foolishly. They would save, no - hoard, quarters for months (maybe years?) and then carry them to Vegas. In their little Samsonite hard-sided makeup cases.
Cashing their quarters in for paper money would apparently deprive them of a great deal of fun, of tangible proof that they were quarter high rollers. I can picture Mom and Bert carrying their cases, guarding them as they sat in the airport, awaiting that gleeful moment when they could pop the latches and delve into the fun that only a case load of quarters can bring.
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